World Class Expert Witness and Design Services
in Transport and Mechanical Engineering
Listavia has been designing and manufacturing innovative Aviation, Industrial and Marine handling and systems equipment for
more than a third of a century.

About Listavia |

Expert Witness &
Design Services |

Aviation Industrial
& Marine |
Listavia was set up in 1971 to design and supply airport trailers, pallet dollies and non-powered airport apron equipment in co-operation with Dennis Brothers of Guildford, Surrey, England. Listavia International Consultants was set up in 1990 to meet the growing need for third party design and consultancy, and independent expert witness services.
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The Courts and the Legal Profession demand first class professionally researched and presented Expert Witness Reports in order
to present and judge cases under the Civil Procedural Rules and in the Criminal Courts. Listavia’s provides a
high standard Expert Witness service to both the Military and Civil sectors.
read more -Civil
read more -Military
Listavia designs and manufactures specialist transport and mechanical handling systems, including cutting-edge projects such as the Service Tunnel Transport System for the Channel Tunnel and the PD22 system for aviation ground handling.
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Independent Transport Initiative
Listavia carries out independent studies for Government Departments and political ‘think tanks’ to assist in formulating transport policies.
- Listavia’s Independent Transport Initiative has shown that Governments' insistence that increased taxation is the only solution to road traffic congestion and pollution problems is ill founded and plain wrong. ECAPS is the only way forward.
Download report... - Hot Air Ballooning